Union Proud

What WEAC Leaders Say About Nathan...

"I fully endorse Nathan for WEAC Secretary-Treasurer because I believe he is the best person for the office. ... Nathan will give his all and will represent all of WEAC's members— Actives, Aspiring, ESPs, and Retired!"   [ READ MORE ]
"...As a leader at the local, regional, and state level, Nathan takes the time to do his best for every member. I look forward to casting my vote for a leader for ALL members of WEAC."  [ READ MORE ]
"...As Secretary-Treasurer, Nathan’s vision for growth and the success of our members fills me with hope for the future of our professional organization."  [ READ MORE ]
"Nathan is 100% committed to strengthening our union. ... His passion for unionism was evident through his work with recruitment, engagement, and legislative advocacy in Region 3. Nathan brings that same commitment to the entire state as Secretary-Treasurer."  [ READ MORE ]
"...Nathan's passion for our union and knowledge of the budget is what makes him a trusted leader; he has my wholehearted endorsement."  [ READ MORE ]

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